Exciting Announcement for Marriott Waters Estate Residents!

Exciting Announcement for Marriott Waters Estate Residents!

Starting from January 9th, 2024, Club Marriott has some amazing news to kickstart the new year! We're thrilled to introduce our Hypnotic Meditation Classes led by the talented Avrill, a qualified resident who is generously volunteering her time to guide these sessions, free of charge to Club Marriott and all of our valued Marriott Waters Estate residents!
These sessions promise to be a serene journey into relaxation and mindfulness, providing a perfect opportunity to unwind and rejuvenate amidst our bustling schedules. Avrill brings her expertise in hypnotic meditation, aiming to help you achieve tranquility and inner peace.
To join these calming sessions, all you need to bring along is your own mat. The classes will take place at Club Marriott and will run every second Tuesday of every month at 7pm.
This is a wonderful chance to prioritise your mental well-being and embark on a path of self-discovery. Whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, these sessions are tailored for everyone seeking serenity in their lives.
Spread the word among your neighbors and friends in Marriott Waters Estate, and let's come together to embrace a peaceful and harmonious start to the year 2024.
We can't wait to see you there!